For the past four years, Silicon Andhra has scaled up its events and established several Guinness Records.
- A Guinness record was established for the first time for largest Kuchipudi dance consisting of 332 performers at Cupertino, CA in 2008. Several artists from India were invited and students of the dance form from world over attended the convention.
- In 2010, the second international convention was held in Andhra Pradesh. The convention concluded with a yet another world record performance by 2800 dancers performing for the thillana. The President of India, Smt. PratibhaPatil was the chief guest to this event. This event was covered live by several frontline Telugu channels from electronic media and viewed by several lakhs of viewers both in India and all across America.
- Silicon Andhra created a Guinness World record with more than 100,000 singers singing Annamaacharya’sKritis simultaneously at Hyderabad in 2009. This event was viewed by several lakhs of viewers live and by many more viewers through the coverage of Telugu electronic media.
- In 2009, another Guinness World record was established, when musicians and artists performed for over 115 hours at Vijayawada, non-stop to celebrate Annamaacharya’s birth anniversary. The overall viewership of this event ran into several lakhs.
- In 2011, Silicon Andhra came out with its first publication named ‘BatukammaSatakam’ comprising 108 poems on a deity widely worshipped by Telugu people.
- The first ‘AntarjateeyaMangalaVadyaSammelanam’ was conducted in Hyderabad with participants drawn from several countries.
- In 2011, the first ITIC (International Telugu Internet Conference) was held in Bay Area, California. The first batch of ‘Manabadi’ students graduated and they were provided certificates by Sri. Potti Sriramulu Telugu University.
- In 2012, second ITIC was held in Visakhapatnam. Third International Kuchipudi Convention is planned to be held in Hyderabad in December 2012.